This space is used to convey urgent information. In cases of threatening weather, we have Sunday services if the Monroe County library is open.

Ways of Giving

Trinity is richly blessed. People of diverse talents generously give time and creativity. People of varying financial means give generously throughout the course of a year.

For many it begins with a pledge, or promise, to give a specific amount of money over the course of a year. You can make your online pledge now and return it to the office.

Parishioners may wish to donate money online or through planned giving.


Guests may wish to make a one time donation. Please follow the link and when prompted click “Continue as guest.”

Regular online giving offers you greater convenience; satisfaction that you have contributed to Trinity throughout the year whether you were able to attend every service or not; and easily accessible online records.

Regular online giving of your annual pledge offers Trinity greater financial stability by spreading revenue more evenly throughout the year and more accurate financial information on which to plan for the future.

Each fall, the Annual Pledge Drive asks parishioners to prayerfully consider the abundance of God’s blessings in our lives, and to determine the weekly or monthly amount of each of us as a family will give to the Church during the coming year.

If we are in the fall, follow this link to our Pledge Drive page.

The 2nd Century Fund is a permanent building fund to help sustain Trinity through our second hundred years. It has two principal objectives: (1) to payoff existing mortgage debt, and subsequently, (2) to provide funding for future capital expenses associated with parish facilities.

Our monthly mortgage payment is $8,800, or $105,600 annually. Maintaining a bank balance equal to 9-months of payments would be optimal. Contributions are welcomed throughout the year and are invested with our Endowment until needed. Paying off the mortgage at an accelerated rate would significantly reduce the interest cost of the loan.

After the mortgage has been paid, continuing to grow the Fund will enable Trinity to pay future capital costs (major repairs, improvements, or additions to facilities) without borrowing or initiating a capital campaign.

The ability of the 2nd Century Fund to achieve these objectives depends upon the willingness of Trinity parishioners to adopt a practice of longer-term financial stewardship in addition to our traditional stewardship needs expressed by our annual pledge drive.

Contact Janet Stavropoulos with questions about the 2nd Century Fund.

 Many parishioners prayerfully consider including Trinity in a planned gift in gratitude for a lifetime abundance of God’s blessings. Planned Gifts are made through wills or through life-income gifts and often have favorable tax benefits. These gifts derive from the giver’s accumulated assets, unlike annual gifts or pledges that derive from annual income.

Planned Gifts are used as directed by the giver’s Will. The Episcopal Church Foundation can help create and manage a Planned Gift to Trinity including charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and a pooled income fund.

These gifts are important because they help ensure that our children, and generations to come, will have the same opportunities of ministry and spiritual life as current Trinity members enjoy. By including Trinity in your will or via estate planning, you elevate Trinity to the level of family.

Contact Janet Stavropoulos with questions about Bequests, Endowments, and Planned Giving

The River Jordan Legacy Society of Trinity Episcopal Church is comprised of those members who have raised Trinity to the level of family by including the parish in their estate plan with a gift of any size. All of these gifts build the Trinity Endowment which is the most important way to insure the vitality of the parish for future generations and, importantly, to continually renew the ministries of the parish. There are nearly 100 esteemed members including those souls who have made bequests in the past and those who have made planned gifts to Trinity. Members are honored with an annual celebration and gift each year.
There are many ways to make a planned gift. An information packet is available in the main office.

Contact Janet Stavropoulos for further information.

Shop as Usual – Earn $$$ for Trinity

Trinity participates in several programs that offer financial rewards to the parish.

These include:

  • Amazon Smile: 0.5% of purchase for Triniy. Register at When prompted to pick your organization type in “Trinity Episcopal Church”.(Be sure to choose the one in Bloomington IN.) When you shop, go (Trinity will not benefit if you omit “smile” and log in to
  • Kroger Community Rewards: Variable %age, depending on total number of participants at all Kroger stores. Register online. Use your rewards card or enter alternate ID every time you shop. 
  • Various grocery store programs or gift cards (purchased at a discount by Trinity and sold to members at face value)
  • The Shop with Scrip program, which offers plastic gift cards and “instant gift cards” that may be purchased at home and printed (paper gift cards), or pulled up on a smart phone.

Click on our Scrip Program Chart which includes information on all these programs – please review it and decide how you might participate in any of the options.

There is no financial cost to participants for any of these programs – at most, they require a few minutes of your time.