This space is used to convey urgent information. In cases of threatening weather, we have Sunday services if the Monroe County library is open.

Our Values

Worship & Beauty

Worship in the Episcopal Church emphasizes beauty, reverence, and the ancient traditions of the Christian church. Through it, we connect both to the richness of our Anglican roots and to the creative ways that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives in the here and now. Our worship strives for good music, a sense of flow and grace, poetry and drama, prayerful reflection, and sometimes even a sense of silliness and play.

Service to ourselves & others

Episcopalians value a middle way between extremes. We seek a balanced, reasonable approach to life. It is a life in which prayer, work, study and play have a rhythm, taking into account the whole of experience, ambiguity and all. We follow Jesus by being compassionate and responsive to the needs of our local and global brothers and sisters. Some of the things we do:

  • Collaborate with Wheeler Mission Shelter for people experiencing homelessness
  • Sponsor a program for school kids in Haiti
  • Strive to give 10 percent of our operating budget to Outreach grants beyond our walls
  • Contribute monthly to Monroe County Ministries (MCUM)
  • Join in the Christmas Angel Tree gifts for the underserved
  • Collaborate with Community-wide Backpacks for Kids

Open-Minded Spirituality

Our spirituality is expressed in an open-minded, searching approach to faith. Engagement with God and the church is intended to open us to the mystery that is God. So doubt, questioning, exploration and openness to new insights is a path to God and wholeness of life. We also are comfortable holding opposites in tension. We believe that what appears to be differences may contain a balanced truth. Living in this way means developing a tolerance of differences in thinking and practice.