This space is used to convey urgent information. In cases of threatening weather, we have Sunday services if the Monroe County library is open.

Visit Us

The clergy and parishioners of Trinity Episcopal Church welcome all visitors and newcomers.

Are you new to Bloomington, Indiana University, or Monroe County? Please let us know! When you visit, you may ask an usher near the church doors for assistance if needed. We’d like to hear from you!

Some information you’ll need during your visit:


Bulletins are available for your assistance. Ushers hand them out and they are located near the doors. If you need help during the service, please ask a neighbor.

Places of welcome

The Trinity Room is open to parishioners needing a place for informal conversation or reflection between Sunday services.


During Communion, ushers will direct you to the altar. (If you want gluten-free wafters or non--alcoholic wine, just ask the server at the altar.) For a blessing, cross your hands on your chest.

Healing Station

Our Healing Station is available at the side of the altar.

Stand, sit, kneel?

Sitting, standing, and kneeling are usually matters of personal choice; you may also follow the crowd!

Students >>

We’re glad to have you at Trinity Episcopal Church. Click for more information specifically tailored for you.

Nursery >>

The nursery is available for children from infancy through four years old. It is well-used and is staffed by trained caregivers.

We are Accessible >>

Our church has a ramp and is equipped with an Audio Induction Loop System. Click for more information

Parking >>

On Sundays the metered, street parking is free. Complete information here.


Restrooms are available through the doors to the right of the altar

Trinity welcomes newcomers of all ages, from squalling babies to coughing elders. We include cradle Episcopalians and the recently confirmed, devoted and “don’t get there very often.” We have a variety of resources available to newcomers, including maps and a guide on what to expect during our celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. Please reach out to our Rector, Rev. Matt, with any questions!

Welcome Students

We’re glad to have you at Trinity Episcopal Church. If there is anything we can do for you during your time at IU feel free to contact the church office at (812) 336-4466. We also encourage you to connect with the Episcopal Campus Ministry at IU,  Canterbury House.

We are Accessible​


Trinity Episcopal is an accessible facility.  A ramp is located near the front entrance on Kirkwood Ave. The entrance on South Grant is at ground level.

Audio Induction Loop System

Trinity is also equipped with an Audio Induction Loop System to assist people who wear hearing aids. If you wear hearing aids, turn on the “loop” mode for digital or “T coil” or “telephone” mode for analog.  (Your brand of hearing aid may use a different term for the modes.)  If you still have trouble hearing, or if the sound is too loud, adjust the volume control. If you would like assistance in hearing the service and do not wear hearing aids, ask an usher for an amplification unit with headphones. He or she will show you how to use it. Return the unit to an usher after the service.


On Sundays the metered street parking is free. Also, you can park in the city parking lot at the corner of 4th Street & Dunn (entrance from Dunn), about 1/2 block east of the church.

On Mondays through Saturdays, all street parking is metered between 8 a.m.- 9 p.m.

Free parking can be found in some city lots and other areas at different times of the day.  Click here for more detailed information. There is a designated accessible parking spot on the northwest corner of Kirkwood Ave. and Grant St., diagonally from our church.