This space is used to convey urgent information. In cases of threatening weather, we have Sunday services if the Monroe County library is open.

Other Services

Worship in the Episcopal Church is where we are fed in body and in spirit, so that we can be strengthened to go wherever our journey is taking us.  We come together to be reminded that we are not alone on this journey.

According to The Book of Common Prayer, Baptism is “Full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s body, the Church” (BCP, p. 298). Baptism, in other words, is the Sacrament through which an individual becomes a part of the faith community. This community, the community of faith, is the means by which and through which we are shaped and formed as children of God. It is the community that promises to support us on our journey. In our baptism, we commit ourselves to following in the footsteps of Jesus, helping to shape a world that is peaceful, compassionate, and respectful.

At Trinity, we baptize both adults and infants in the context of the Sunday morning worship service.


Baptism should be done thoughtfully and prayerfully. Sponsors (Godparents), at least one of whom is a baptized Christian from any denomination, should also be chosen. Sponsors will help the child to be regular in worship, service, and prayer—not only by their teaching, but by example. Both sponsors and parents will take part in a short period of preparation. If you’re interested in baptism for yourself or a member of your family, please speak with a clergy person to schedule a time of conversation and preparation. A short rehearsal will also take place thirty minutes prior to the service at which a baptism takes place.

Thinking about baptism? Talk with us to set up a date. Call (812) 336-4466.

Confirmation is the ritual in which we express a mature commitment to Christ and his teachings and receive strength by the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a Bishop. Those who have been baptized and seek to affirm the promises they made at their baptism prepare for confirmation by attending our Introduction to the Episcopal Church classes. Confirmation services generally occur once a year at Trinity when the Bishop visits, or in open confirmation services held periodically elsewhere in the Diocese of Indianapolis.

Introduction to the Episcopal Church classes are held monthly, generally on the 4th Sunday of each month. These classes are also available for those who have been confirmed in other Christian denominations and wish to be received into the Episcopal Church.

In marriage, partners enter into a lifelong union. They make their vows of fidelity before family, friends, and the Church and ask for the strength to keep the promises and vows they make. At least one partner must be baptized in any Christian denomination. The Sacrament of Marriage is available at Trinity for couples of any gender(s) including same-sex/gender weddings. We can also bless civil marriages. These services are reserved for those who have been regular, worshiping members of the Trinity community for at least one year. We do not conduct these rituals during the seasons of Advent or Lent. A six-eight week period of preparation is necessary for each of these rituals.

Considering a lifelong union? Give us a call, we can fill you in on all the details. (812) 336-4466.

You might also want to review our Wedding Policy below.

Want to look at the liturgy? Click BCP for the liturgy in our Book of Common Prayer.

Check Same Gender Marriage Service to review this inclusive liturgy approved in 2015.

Experiencing the death of a loved one is a difficult time in the life of any family. Our pastoral team at Trinity is available to support you during this time of grief and help you plan a Christ-centered funeral service that emphasizes the hope of eternal life found in Jesus.

We recommend calling the parish (812-336-4466) to schedule a funeral before you make any other plans or have friends/relatives plan to attend. Our church and/or clergy are not always available on desired dates.

For other funeral information, costs, and policies please see our policy below.

Our Book of Common Prayer contains a whole section of services collected under the title “Pastoral Offices.” Here we find wedding and funeral services and a short liturgy called “Thanksgiving for the Birth or Adoption of a Child.” While long ago this service related to ritual purification of women, today it is used to welcome newborn infants and adopted children into an Episcopal community. A short version can be used at a hospital or in a home; the full rite takes place at a Sunday morning service at the exchange of the Peace.

The service consists of a brief address to the congregation by the Celebrant, followed by a recitation in unison of a The Song of Mary or a psalm. It concludes with a prayer of thanksgiving by the celebrant and then additional, optional prayers for safe delivery, for parents, for a child not baptized or already baptized, and a blessing of the family. Adopted children old enough to speak for themselves are asked if they take the woman as their mother and the man as their father, and then the adoptive parents make a response.

If you have recently given birth or adopted a child or children and would like to give thanks at Trinity, at home or in the hospital, please call the church office (812-336-4466) so that appropriate plans can be made to do so.