This space is used to convey urgent information. In cases of threatening weather, we have Sunday services if the Monroe County library is open.

Spiritual Formation for Children & Families

The spiritual formation programs at Trinity are designed for sojourners of all ages.


The nursery is available for children from infancy through four years old. It is open Sunday mornings from 8:45 a.m. through the end of the 11:30 a.m. service. Families who wish to do so may bring their children into the later part of the church service to participate in the Eucharist. We also have a “PrayGround” area at the back of the sanctuary for families with young children to use during the service.

In the Trinity Nursery, two or more experienced caregivers offer loving care to our children. Filled with toys, books and craft materials, the nursery is a cheerful area with an atmosphere of warmth and fun. The children look forward to being in the nursery during services. The nursery is also used during evening meetings and church functions so that parents with young children may, more easily, participate in the full life and ministry of the church.

Our goal is to offer the children a safe, nurturing Christian environment, and to provide their parents the comfort and opportunity to pursue their own spiritual enrichment. Caregivers have passed a background check and have completed a diocesan training session called “Safeguarding God’s Children.” The nursery is also free from nuts (peanut and tree nut) during the church services to ensure the safety and well-being of all our children. The nursery is cleaned after each use and masks are encouraged for children ages 2 and older.

For more information about the nursery you may contact our nursery coordinator, Kim Clay.

Children's Chapel

Children’s Chapel is offered during the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service. Designed for children ages 4-9, Children’s Chapel is a place where young people can understand the liturgy in an age-appropriate way, helping them to grow as faithful Christians.

Children’s Chapel is more than an excuse to leave “big” (and sometimes “boring”) church. It is more than a rest for parents who need a break from squirmy children. It is an opportunity to experience God in another, sacred way. It is the chance for children to be children and to come to Christ, as they are, worshiping in a space that has been set apart for them.

The structure of the Children’s Chapel time parallels the happenings in the sanctuary. After the second reading in the service, following adult guides, children process to the chapel upstairs during the Sequence hymn before the Gospel reading. Once there, they sing songs, hear the Gospel story and a short reflection on the reading. Prayers of petition and thanksgiving are offered, many of the prayers coming from the children themselves. Often there is time for a craft or game. The children then return to “big” church for The Peace. We invite you to come worship with us and experience the sacred space of Children’s Chapel.

Interested in assisting or teaching at Children’s Chapel? Please contact us at or at 812-336-4466 ext. 110 for more information.

Sunday School

Sunday School is an integral part to our children’s faith formation. It lays a strong foundation to a person’s education as a Christian, an education which is a life-long process.

“…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Trinity CHristian Formation

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In our Sunday School classes, we aim to be God’s Growing Lights: Being the Light of Christ. Our current structure includes the following classes: Little Lights (Nursery through age 4), Spark (Grades K-2), Shine (Grades 3-5), and Trinity Teens (Grades 6-12). Classes meet during the academic year on Sunday mornings after the 9:00 a.m. service and run concurrently with the Adult Education programming (10:15-11:15 a.m.).

As we aim to nurture the spiritual lives of the children, we also desire to provide a safe, clean, and happy Christian environment for the youngest members of our church family. All volunteers working with children and youth have completed a diocesan training session called “Safe Church, Safe Communities.”

Trinity’s curriculum goals incorporate important Episcopal teachings including:

  • Liturgy: To ensure familiarity with the structure of our Sunday service and symbols used. To build familiarity with the format of Episcopal prayers and some of the specific prayers used in our communal worship.
  • Church Calendar: To learn the rhythm of the church year through the six church seasons, principal feasts, and other noted days on the Episcopal Calendar. To build familiarity with symbols and practices for these seasons and holidays.
  • Sacraments: To learn about the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist and understand how they are practiced in the Episcopal Church. To have an overview of the Baptismal Covenant and understand Holy Orders as part of the various ordained ministries in the church. Older youth will learn about other sacraments as well.
  • Holy Scripture & The Church: To become familiar with key Biblical stories from the Old and New Testaments. To understand those stories as containing important lessons about our relationship with God and how God wants us to live our lives, care for creation, and treat each other. To know the broad outlines of church history from the time of Jesus until now.
  • Outreach & Service to Others: To teach the central importance of outreach to living a Christian life. To help identify needs and give children opportunities to engage in outreach. To teach about broken systems of the world in contrast to the reign of God and how we can make a difference in fixing those broken systems.
  • Faith Practices (Personal & At Home): To encourage children and teens to be aware of their spiritual life and to take steps to nurture it. To equip families with resources and materials for faith practices at home.

We hope you will come learn with us on Sunday mornings!

Interested in joining the Children’s Formation Ministry? Please contact us at or at 812-336-4466 ext. 110 for more information.

For Families

The Christian Education Commission at Trinity offers regular fellowship opportunities for children and their families. As our baptismal covenant reminds us, all of us (parents, grandparents, and parish members alike) are called to support the children of Trinity as they learn and grow in faith. Sunday School teachers and Children’s Chapel leaders do this when they provide formal (and fun!) lessons for children and youth on Sunday morning. But children also need time to get to know each other and the rest of the church community in a more relaxed atmosphere. Often it’s easiest for children from birth through elementary school to do that in the form of fellowship activities that include the entire family.

Trinity has offered social activities geared to children and their families for several years. These events welcome people of all ages, whether or not they are parents, but the timing and activities are intended to be especially comfortable for children and their parents. Join us whenever you can!

Do you have questions or suggestions? Would you like to get involved? We’d love to hear from you.

Contact Megan Canonica with questions at 

Looking for more ways to bring your faith home?  Explore this resource for Episcopal families: Grow Christians: A Community of Disciples Practicing Faith at Home at  Gathering reflections, stories, images and recipes from diverse Episcopalians, this group blog inspires generations to come together as they celebrate the presence of God through the Christian year.

Looking for more ways to bring your faith home? Explore this resource for Episcopal families: Grow Christians: A Community of Disciples Practicing Faith at Home at Gathering reflections, stories, images and recipes from diverse Episcopalians, this group blog inspires generations to come together as they celebrate the presence of God through the Christian year.