This space is used to convey urgent information. In cases of threatening weather, we have Sunday services if the Monroe County library is open.

Clergy, Staff & Vestry

Trinity Episcopal Church Bloomington Clergy

Rev. Matt

The Rev. Dr. Matt Seddon has served as Rector since 2020. He attended Church Divinity School of the Pacific for seminary, and was ordained a priest in 2012. Previously he worked as an archaeologist. For information about his background, past service, and family, see rev-matt. Email him at

Rev. Connie

The Rev. Connie Peppler is the Deacon of Trinity Church. She was ordained a Vocational Deacon in 2002 and has been serving at Trinity since October 2002. E-mail her at

Pastoral Care & Emergencies

Rev. Matt and Archdeacon Connie are available to respond to your pastoral needs or to pastoral emergencies. Please don’t hesitate to contact out through email: revmatt@trinitybloomington or or call our office to get our emergency line.

Canterbury House Clergy

The Rev. Ed Bird

Canterbury (IU Episcopal Campus Ministry)
Rev. Ed, Canterbury Chaplain —

Our Staff



Formation Programs



Vestry Leadership

In addition to the leadership of our rector, The Rev. Dr. Matt Seddon, we elect vestry, or board, to help oversee the affairs of the church. According to the bylaws of Trinity, the vestry shall take “general charge, management and control of the affairs, funds and property of the parish, and shall authorize all expenditures…[with] full power…to carry out the purposes of the Episcopal Church in the parish….”

If this sounds daunting, it is also a wonderful challenge, an opportunity to build on the work of previous vestries and to lead Trinity in new directions—especially in the community, with the university, and in cooperation with the Diocese—to seek new avenues for sharing the Gospel.

  • Acquiring new dedicated staff members
  • Developing a more transparent method of financial reporting
  • Supporting more active stewardship
  • Establishing a professional approach to building maintenance
  • Creating an endowment policy
  • Deepening involvement in outreach activities
  • Initiating newcomer ministry, digital communications, and online giving.

And each step along the way has involved listening, initiating, guiding, deciding, representing, dreaming, nurturing, problem solving.

Our Current Vestry Members

Judith Garrison (Rector’s Warden), Jon Karty (People’s Warden), Nancy Hutchens, Fred Schultz, Greg Graves, Heather Lake, Adriana Madiol, Daniel Lentz,  and Rebekah Lippens.

To contact Vestry members, please email or call our office for the contact information!

One third of the vestry is replaced each year, voted on at the parish meeting in January. A slate of candidates is proposed by a nominating committee, made up of the outgoing members.

Requirements for Vestry Candidates: regular Sunday attendance at Trinity as well as regular contributions to the on-going life and ministry of the Parish; Vestry Candidates also contribute as able to the Trinity Annual Operating Fund.

Responsibilities: Vestry members, in general, attend Sunday services; are involved in the programs and community life of the Parish; and contribute as able to the annual operating fund. More specifically, Vestry members are charged with making programmatic and financial decisions that affect the on-going life of the Parish. They serve on Task-forces, serve as liaisons to the various commissions and committees that develop and implement programs and projects; they participate in various forms of hospitality from Lemonade on the Lawn to refreshments for Vestry meetings; and they faithfully attend monthly Vestry meetings, usually the 4th Wednesday of the month. Above all, they participate in the corporate call to dream of ways to be Open to All, Open to Love, and Open to Serve.

Our Vestry is guided by the Canons of the Episcopal Church, the Canons of our Diocese, and the By-laws of our parish.

For more information, about the Vestry, please submit a question here.

Approved Meeting Minutes

An archive of previous Vestry meeting minutes is available online.

For older minutes, contact Trinity at (812) 336-4466.